Blogging serves several purposes (all good) for BOTH defense, plaintiff, and subrogation attorneys and their firms. For attorneys of all stripes it allows you to establish yourself as an expert in potentially multiple niches of the law. Not only is it a great way to position yourself as an expert in a given field/niche, but it also serves to separate you from your competition. Not only is this a superb marketing vehicle, it also serves as an inexpensive tool that may allow both you and your firm to get on the coveted Google radar. Some defense attorneys might be surprised to find that through this medium corporate law departments review and vet potential outside counsel by researching blogs.
Okay, let’s all agree this is a great tool for attorneys and law firms – so why aren’t more people/firms doing it?The answer is simple……time and the lack of. For a blog to be effective the material requires frequent updating. TWO of the biggest detriments to attorneys ability to market are: 1) lack of time 2) the emphasis on hourly billing. It easy to see why so few attorneys can actually dedicate the time needed to effectively utilize this medium to advance their practices.
How would you like it if we could provide you and/or your firm with topical blogs every ten days, professionally written by an award winning investigative journalist?
You can find a sample subrogation blog on “Hoverboards” in our archives from December 2015. We are offering this service quarterly (9 blogs in total) for the introductory price of $2500. If you are one of our first 10 subscribers we will guarantee that price to you for one whole year. February 1st the price for blogging will be going up to $3000/quarter. If you are interested call Jim Kelleher at 224-212-9191 or email him at